Monday, January 20, 2020

The Mandalorian

Pedro Pascal in The Mandalorian (2019)

So what do you think of this new Star Wars series called The Mandalorian?

Personally I'm liking it so far. It's a bit slow at times but that's OK in my opinion.
I'm very patient when it comes to Star Wars as long as there is a sensible story
to be had.

To me this series has a very old style Star Wars feel to it and I really like that a lot.
I was nervous on how Disney was going to take up the reins when it came to new 
movies and such. As long as they stay away from social issues such as LGBT and
other issues that are dominating other TV shows and movies I think the franchise will
be OK as far as being good family entertainment. That's my opinion of course .

With that said...check out The Mandalorian if you have the Disney streaming service.
In fact it's worth it to get the service even if that's all you want to watch....again that's
my opinion....May The Force Be With You

Rob Mosley

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