Friday, March 6, 2009

An update about my new blog and the future of my Godaddy blog. Click this title to listen to the podcast.

I just wanted to let everyone know that this will be my main blog from this point on. I will be dropping Godaddy because their tech support was giving me the runaround about why I had so many issues uploading videos longer than 1 min and 30 sec. Funny how a free service such as this turned out to be better than a paid service like Godaddy. It is what it is I guess. Check back for updates often as spring is almost here. Time to get out there and have fun. You will see Videocasts on here more often going forward into spring and summer. Also make sure you sign up on here and check my main page at for updates in the photo galleries. Until next time, take care and enjoy the new blog. Rob Mosley

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